1Channel for Google TV 2.3.4

1Channel for Google TV

The 1channel website is under maintenance and has been redirected to its alternative site, so all users are getting error 3xx. But there is a temporary fix for all upgraded users.
If you are an upgraded user, please make sure you are using the latest version(v2.3.4) and then go to the setting page and select the "use the alternative site" option.
If you are a free version user, you have to wait for the 1channel site to get back because there is no setting page in the free version.

NOTE: The app is a tool that provides its users an easy way to navigate content index stored on the "http://www.1channel.ch" website. But the app is not developed by the "http://www.1channel.ch" website. If you have any question about the content index, please find the contact information from the "http://www.1channel.ch" website.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What does the error 3xx mean?
A: It means the 1channel website has been redirected. You can go to the 1channel website("http://www.1channel.ch") with your browser and you will find it is redirected to the other site("http://www.letmewatchthis.ch").
Q: Streaming is working via WIFI, but not on 3G/4G. why?
A: If the app works on WIFI, the issue is not caused by the app or the device and it is caused by the 3G/4G provider. Please search "streaming working on wifi not on 3g" on the internet to get more information.
Q: What is the difference between a bookmark and a cached item?
A: One bookmark keeps one web link address of the 1Channel website. Each time you click a bookmark, you need access the 1channel website to get media links.
One cached item keeps media links on your device. Watching a cached item does not need the 1channel website. A cached item will be synchronized with the 1channel website automatically. Once the text is in the green color, it means the item has been synchronized.
Q: I am getting a blank screen when I click any item on the default page. Why?
A: It is because the 1channel website is down. The app depends on the 1channel website and has no control to it. So you have to wait for the site back. You can always check the site status by browsing "http://www.1channel.ch" with your web browser.
Q: What is the Pro Version?
A: The Pro version was a different app and has been removed from the store.
Q: I purchased the Pro version when it was in the store, what should I do now?
A: You can get a free promotion code to upgrade this app. Please send your order number or the name of your Google Account with your request.
Q: Why do I get the "Can't play this video" error?
A: Most likely, the issue is caused by either of the following reasons:
1- The file does not exist on the media host site any more. You could confirm this by checking the link through the 1Channel website.
2- You media player does not support the video format. To confirm this, you need download the video and play with your media player directly.
Q: The video that I just played could not be played any more. Why?
A: Most likely, the issue is caused by the media host site. Some media host sites have their usage limitation for free users.

Weed Farmer Overgrown 1.0

Weed Farmer Overgrown
$5.95 BUY
***** Version 1.0 Release *****
Are you ready for the next generation of online marijuana growing? Than get prepared for an all new cannabis farming experience! Brought to you by the creators of the top selling hit Weed Farmer.
Happy 420 and End of Beta!!!! All players purchasing today will receive limited edition 420 items, even if you do not get End of Beta items during reset.
Weed Farmer Overgrown takes Virtual Marijuana Farming to a whole new level! Enjoy fresh challenges and advanced online features while benefiting from new real-time player interaction abilities.
WFOG is a LARGE GAME, and requires an external download file and over 170 MB on your SD Card.
Weed Farmer Overgrown is a Massively Multiplayer Online Game, and as such, it requires constant network connectivity to play. Bandwidth use is small, typically under a few MB a month for average play.
* Grow dozens of real life marijuana strains in both indoor and outdoor environments. Each strain has a unique look, grows twice as fast as in the first game and have different visuals for the flowers and buds by variety.
* Loot system provides varied rewards and chances for uncommon, rare and ultra rare item drops including clones, growing equipment, seeds, crafting components, farm gear and much more.
* Upgrade your grow location from a small starting closet to a massive warehouse. But don't stop there, Weed Farmer Overgrown allows you to continue expanding to the great outdoors to a maximum of 65 plots allowing you to grow up to 260 marijuana plants of different types at the same time!
* Enjoy advanced player to player interaction with secure item trading for a true MMORPG experience.
* Weed Farmer Overgrown is hosted on dedicated servers owned and maintained directly by the developers.
* Hundreds of items can be acquired, consumed, grown, traded, sold and crafted. New items are added on a regular basis during special events & frequent content updates.
* Crafting systems allow for creating various styles of hash, THC edibles, plant growing equipment and farming supplies. Three different crafting skills are available each with their own level progress.
* Due to the size and large number of plants able to be grown at one time, mass automation is available which allow for batch fertilization, watering, spraying, planting and other grouped interaction with your crops.
* Travel and Smoke-out Adventure Areas provide visiting to real world locations and smoking sessions. Randomized trivia questions related to marijuana are given with various rewards provided for correct answers.
* Clones now have the rare chance to drop when harvesting a plant.
* High Resolution graphics for tablets and other HD screens take full ability of even the newest and most advanced android devices.

Farming Simulator 1.0.13

Farming Simulator
$0.87 BUY
Play your favorite technical-simulation on your mobile!
Discover a wide, agricultural scenery with fields, roads, your farm as well as a small village. Cultivate your fields with various three dimensional vehicles found in your generous fleet- modeled after original machines and vehicles by prestigious manufacturers. Take a seat at the wheel of authentic farm machines by DEUTZ-FAHR, KRONE, KRAMPE, AMAZONE, LEMKEN and KOTTE and start your own agricultural enterprise: plow and cultivate your fields, choose the seeds of your field crops out of three plants (corn, canola and wheat) and fertilize them to accelerate their growth. Sell the harvest and invest it into new equipment.
As known from previous installments of the „Farming Simulator“-series, you will be supported by digital assistants, who take over the work you assign them to. That way you will be able to efficiently organize your farm and maximize your profit.
Explore an open world with a dynamic day-night-cycle and become a successful farmer in the challenging free-play mode.Farming Simulator 2013 ® includes a host of new features and improvements:
In the career mode you play the role of a farmer and experience the varied farming life in a completely new and freely accessible landscape.
The new economy systems with variable corn prices allows you to earn money more strategically and invest in new buildings, vehicles and tools. You have access to over 100 authentic tractors, harvesters and tools of renowned manufacturers.
• Put your favorite simulator into your pocket
• Use a variety of detailed equipment and trailers
• Computer-steered assistants help you with your work
• Career-mode with management-part
• Three different plants: corn, canola and wheat
• Freely accessible world with dynamic day-night-cycle

Servers Ultimate Pro 5.8.0

Servers Ultimate Pro
$8.74 BUY
★★Run over 40 protocols with over 36 servers!★★
Now you can run a CVS, DHCP, DLNA, DNS, Dynamic DNS, Email (POP3 / SMTP), FTP Proxy, FTP, FTPS, Git, IRC, ISCSI, MySQL, NFS, NTP, PHP and Lighttpd, Port Forwarder, Proxy, Remote Control, Rsync, SMB/CIFS, SMS, Socks, SFTP, SSH, Stomp, Styx, Syslog, TFTP, Telnet, Test, Time, Torrent Tracker, Trigger, VNC, Wake On Lan, Web, WebDAV, X11 and/or XMPP server!
★★Normally you pay 0.99 or 1.99 for one server, here you get 36 servers and network tools for this temporary low price!★★
Start a server easily on the 'Simple' tab or go advanced and add users, allowed IP's, start/stop rules and more! Multiple servers can be run at the same time! The servers work without root, exceptions mentioned below.
★★Over 14 network tools included!★★
Server limitations
- Port Forwarder: root needed and quite advanced.
- VNC Server: root needed and just assume it won't work on your device so you won't be disappointed. It's really basic.
- Samba Server: works fine with Mac, but it won't work on Windows.
- X11 Server: doesn't support windows fully.
- CVS, DLNA, Email, PHP, Lighttpd, MySQL, Rsync and VNC Server: only one server of this type can be run at the same time.
- ARM based: PHP, Lighttpd, MySQL, CVS, Rsync, VNC, SSH command line, Port forward, mysql monitor, traceroute
★★Full remote control support!★★
Some important notes
- The permissions for receiving and sending SMS are for the SMS Gateway Server, which you can optionally run.
- If you find a bug or have a problem please contact us by email since we cannot help you if you post it in the reviews.
★★Includes a PHP Server!★★
A few general features
- Set password login for the app!
- Tasker / Llama support!
- Add a Dynamic DNS Updater using the local or public IP
- Start / Stop servers automatically using a WIFI / SMS / call / power or cronjob rule! Or go advanced using the 'Trigger Server' for more triggers!
- Set filter IP's rules to block or only allow certain IP's / ip ranges.
- Set notification rules to receive an SMS, email, etc on start, stop, etc.
- Set a custom name, port, network interface to listen on, backlog, logging, logging to file, start on boot per server. And if rooted set a port below the 1024 ports range.
- Widget support!
- Help included.
- Remote control the app!
- General information about your device.
- Extensive logging (supports files).
★★Use the light or dark Holo theme!★★
Network tools
- Remote Control Client
- Simple shtaccess editor
- Connectability
- IP Calculator (IPv4 / IPv6)
- Port Scanner
- MySQL Monitor
- Whois
- Raw socket (TCP / UDP)
- Command line
- Ping
- Network speed
- HTTP Headers
- Wake On LAN (WOL)
- Lookup (DNS, IP, Host, Mac to Vendor)
- Traceroute
★★For some servers set users, roots, rules and more!★★
- CVS Server
- DHCP Server
- DLNA Server
- DNS Server
- Dynamic DNS Updater: DDNS services ChangeIP, DNSdynamic, DNSexit, DNSMadeEasy, DNS-O-Matic, DNSPark, DtDNS, DynDNS, easyDNS, eNom, HE.net, Joker, Namecheap, No-IP, ZoneEdit
- Email Server: POP3, SMTP
- FTP Proxy Server
- FTP Server
- FTPS Server
- Git Server
- IRC Server
- ISCSI Server
- MySQL Server
- NFS Server
- NTP Server
- PHP Server and Lighttpd Server (with optional PHPMyAdmin, PHPSysInfo, PHPFileManager, noVNC)
- Port Forwarder
- Proxy Server
- Remote Control App Server
- Rsync Server
- SMB / CIFS Server (Samba)
- SMS Gateway
- SOCKS Server
- SSH Server
- SCP Server
- SFTP Server
- Stomp Server
- Styx Server
- Syslog Server
- TFTP Server
- Telnet Server
- Test Server: Echo, Discard, CHARGEN, QOTD
- Time Server
- Torrent Tracker Server
- Trigger Server
- VNC Server
- Wake On LAN client
- Web Server
- WebDAV Server
- X11 Server
- XMPP Server / Jabber Server
Useful for penetration testing, IT specialists, and more!

Mobi Calculator PRO 1.3.15

Mobi Calculator PRO
$2.87 BUY
Universal, every day use calculator with scientific features. One of top.
Good for simple and advanced calculations!
ATTENTION! It's possible arbitrary moving of the cursor when SwiftKey is on your system. Please update your SwiftKey to the last version.
* Math expressions calculation (developed on RPN-algorithm but no RPN-calculators' kind UI!)
* Percentages (calculation discount, tax, tip and other)
* Radix mode (HEX/BIN/OCT)
* Time calculation (two modes)
* Trigonometric functions. Radians and degrees with DMS feature (Degree-Minute-Second)
* Logarithmic and other functions
* Calculation history and memory
* Digit grouping
* Cool color themes (skins)
* Large buttons
* Easy and very user friendly UI
* Very customizable!
* More features will be added. Stay in touch! :)
In the PRO-version only:
* Ability to store records of the history (up to 1000, FREE - 50)
* Ability to edit expression with up to 5 lines on the screen (FREE - 3)
* Additional themes (Business, Ice Cream Sandwich)
The list will be increased!
Sometimes we got emails with complaints that Market doesn’t allow to download a purchased application. It is Market’s problem. You should wait and/or try to restart your device.
Please contact Market support or us if you have any problems with it.

NEXT Launcher My Gold Theme 1.0

NEXT Launcher My Gold Theme
$1.86 BUY

MyGold, the best exclusive and unique digital luxury theme for Android!
After purchase, be sure to click to open a theme or theme does not appear in the list of themes.
This is necessary due to the new defense Android 4.1.
So, the right sequence is: buy the theme on Google Play- install - open – oк – install – open
This double install solve the Jelly Bean issue.
FOR SOURCE CODE http://www.gnokkia.net/?p=1658
If you have any problems with the installation, please contact me so we will help you !

Italian art and design for a theme that will make your phone shine!
HD vectorial source for all elements!
Great for readibility and confort!
===>Mainly features:
- For Next Launcher 3D
- Unique and exclusive GOLD CUT icons
- Maximum readibility
- Show you a integral theme, screen preview and dock are included
- New folder interface experience
- Special app drawer skin
===>Important tips:
1. Make sure the latest version of Next Launcher 3D has been installed! (Search “Next Launcher 3D” to download)
2. Apply the Theme: MENU->Individual—>Installed themes->Choose My Gold theme.
3. Search “Gnokkia Themes” in the Google Play to get more fantastic themes, also matching GOSMS theme and GO Locker.
4. Maximum readibility
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Change the look of your phone, try Gnokkia Themes!
If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions for our Themes, please do not hesitate to tell us. Thank you very much