RealCalc Scientific Calculator apk Description
Looking for fractions? Degrees/minutes/seconds? Landscape mode? You need RealCalc Plus. See elsewhere on this page for the link, or select 'Upgrade' from the RealCalc menu.
RealCalc includes the following features:
* Traditional algebraic or RPN operation
* Result history
* Unit conversions
* Physical constants table
* Percentages
* 10 memories
* Binary, octal, and hexadecimal (can be enabled in Settings)
* Trig functions in degrees, radians or grads
* Scientific, engineering and fixed-point display modes
* Configurable digit grouping and decimal point
* Full built-in help
* A complete lack of advertising
RealCalc Plus contains all these features, plus:
* Fraction calculations and conversion to/from decimal
* Degrees/minutes/seconds calculations and conversion
* Landscape mode
* User-customizable unit conversions
* User-customizable constants
If you find RealCalc useful, please consider purchasing RealCalc Plus to support further development. Thank you.
* If you want data size conversions in multiples of 1024, use kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes, etc - see
* If the percent key appears to give wrong answers, make sure you are pressing '=' at the end, e.g. '25 + 10 % =' will give 27.5.
* If sin/cos/tan functions don't give the answer you are expecting, make sure you are in the correct angle mode. Degrees, radians and grads are supported, indicated by DEG, RAD, GRAD in the display. Use the DRG key to change mode.
* If any of the digit keys are disabled, or the decimal point doesn't work, or you have answers with letters in, or basic arithmetic appears to be wrong, then you are in binary, octal or hexadecimal mode. Press DEC to return to decimal operation. If you don't need these modes, please make sure that 'Enable Radix Modes' is disabled in the settings.
* If you can't find HEX, BIN or OCT modes, go to the settings and make sure that 'Enable Radix Modes' is checked.
Please read the help for more information.