Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Marbel Sayur apk Update Version

Marbel Sayur apk
Marbel Sayur apk

Current Version : 1.2
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
Category : Education
Size : 2.5M

Marbel Sayur apk Description

Seri Bermain Sambil Belajar (Marbel). Belajar mandiri anak usia dini. Mengenal dan belajar sayur-mayur.

Belajar melalui Game Marbel:
* belajar lebih mudah
* belajar lebih interaktif
* belajar lebih fun
* belajar lebih menarik

Marbel Sayur apk Videos and Images

Belajar English for Kids apk Update Version

Belajar English for Kids apk
Belajar English for Kids apk

Current Version : 1.0.0
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 10M

Belajar English for Kids apk Description

Bahasa inggris adalah bahasa nomor satu di dunia, oleh karena itu wajib diajarkan kepada anak-anak sejak dini.
Pembelajaran interaktif "English for Kids" adalah penunjang dasar dalam menguasai suatu bahasa dan memacu kreativitas anak-anak.
Mulai dari mengenal huruf, menyusun kata, dan menyusun kalimat.
Lengkap dengan cara membaca dan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Sehingga anak-anak tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam menguasai Bahasa Inggris.
Selamat Mencoba

Belajar English for Kids apk Videos and Images

Try-out UAN SD apk Fast Download

Try-out UAN SD apk
Try-out UAN SD apk

Current Version : 2.3.8
Requires Android : 2.0.1 and up
Category : Education
Size : 1.7M

Try-out UAN SD apk Description

(Indonesian ONLY)

Tryout UAN SD adalah aplikasi untuk mempersiapkan siswa SD menghadapi Ujian Akhir Nasional.

1. Informasi Tingkat Kesulitan pada Setiap soal:
Setiap soal memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang diukur dan di-update secara otomatis melalui data statistik. Informasi ini berguna bagi proses pembelajaran siswa di mana siswa (dan orang tua) dapat mengetahui posisi "knowledge" siswa dibandingkan dengan siswa lain.
Sebagai contoh: Tingkat kesulitan 25% berarti hanya 25% dari siswa menjawab salah, 75% siswa menjawab dengan benar. Hal ini mengindikasikan soal tersebut cukup mudah, dan siswa yang sedang berlatih soal dapat mengukur kemampuan dirinya terhadap seluruh populasi siswa. Minimal siswa bisa memiliki komentar seperti "masa sih saya tidak bisa jawab soal semudah ini" atau "ini soal sulit, pantas saya tidak bisa jawab".

2. Set Soal Tryout Ujian dengan tingkat kesulitan berbeda.
Terdapat 3 set ujian dengan tingkat kesulitan berbeda: Mudah, Sedang, Sulit.
Set ujian terisi dan terurut secara otomatis oleh sistem berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan soal. Soal nomor awal selalu lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan soal nomor akhir.
Ujian dengan tingkat kesulitan mudah akan mengeluarkan 15 soal termudah dari database (yg statistiknya selalu ter-update). Set soal ini berguna bagi siswa pemula atau yang belum pernah mencoba latihan ujian.
Ujian dengan tingkat kesulitan sulit akan mengeluarkan 15 soal tersulit dari database (yg statistiknya selalu ter-update). Set soal ini berguna bagi siswa yang sudah siap ujian dan hendak mengukur kemampuan dirinya terhadap soal-soal tersulit yang akan dihadapi.
Ujian pada tingkat kesulitan normal akan mengeluarkan 15 soal secara acak dengan tingkat kesulitan tersebar (soal tetap ditampilkan terurut dari mudah ke sulit).

3. Adaptive Test.
Siswa dapat berlatih dengan menggunakan modus adaptive. di mana
Jika siswa menjawab soal dengan benar, maka dia akan diberikan soal lebih sulit pada soal berikutnya.
Jika siswa menjawab soal dengan salah, maka dia akan diberikan soal lebih mudah pada soal berikutnya.
Pada akhir latihan ujian, siswa akan terhenti pada satu titik level di mana mengindikasikan kemampuan tertinggi siswa dalam menghadapi soal ujian.
Sebagai contoh, jika siswa menggunakan adaptive test dan berakhir pada level 75%, berarti si siswa cukup pintar dan mengungguli 75% populasi.

4. Jumlah Bank Soal : 2200+

Try-out UAN SD apk Videos and Images

Bobby Bola Di Rumah Ajaib apk Download

Bobby Bola Di Rumah Ajaib apk
Bobby Bola Di Rumah Ajaib apk

Current Version : 1.2
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 113M

Bobby Bola Di Rumah Ajaib apk Description

Silahkan unduh dan coba dahulu Bobby Bola di Rumah Ajaib versi Free sebelum membeli yang versi Full

Untuk anak umur 2-5 tahun

Fitur :
- Berbahasa Indonesia sehingga mudah dimengerti anak-anak
- Terdapat motivasi permainan berupa bintang yang dapat dikumpulkan dan kemudian ditukar dengan ikan-ikan yang dapat dikoleksi di akuarium yang terdapat di Rumah Ajaib
- Tingkat kesulitan dapat disesuaikan sehingga cocok dengan anak-anak yang duduk di TK ataupun PG
- Permainan dapat disave dan dilanjutkan dilain waktu tanpa harus mengulang dari awal

Ajak anak-anak anda bermain di dalam sebuah Rumah Ajaib yang bernama Rumi. Rumi akan senang sekali bila ada anak-anak yang ingin bermain dengannya.

Didalam serial 'Rumah Ajaib', Bobby Bola akan mengajak buah hati anda bermain sambil mempelajari dan memahami berbagai materi pendidikan dasar anak-anak dalam berbagai arena permainan seperti Maze, Puzzle Abjad, Gunting & Tempel, Ketok-ketok, Menyanyi & Menari, Musik Panda, Kereta Api, ABC, Kartu Memori, dan sebagainya.

Bobby Bola Di Rumah Ajaib apk Videos and Images

Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon apk Update Version

Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon apk
Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon apk

Current Version : 1.2
Requires Android : 2.0.1 and up
Category : Education
Size : 59M

Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon apk Description

It’s time to let out your inner stylist in Dr. Panda’s Beauty Salon! You can paint faces and nails, make necklaces, dress-up different customers and even pluck nose hairs with a cute cast of animal friends in over 11 different minigames.

There are a ton of activities to do in Dr. Panda’s Beauty Salon, from matching bowties with hip sunglasses, to painting faces with glow in the dark paint, to spraying shaving cream on a pig with a 5 o’clock shadow. You can make the animals as pretty, funny or crazy as you’d like! Basic hygiene activities like face washing and nail-clipping are combined with the fun of face painting and painting nails.

Made for anyone 2 and up!

Key Features:

- Over 11 minigames in all
- Everyday activities like nail cutting and face washing made fun
- Lots of variety. There are endless possibilities to what you can create.
- Creative freedom! You decide when to stop painting and decorating faces, nails and jewelry.
- Lots of secrets to discover on every screen. Encourages thinking outside the box.
- Robust parental controls and locks
- No third-party ads or in-app purchases

Check out all the other Dr. Panda titles:

Dr. Panda’s Teach Me!
Dr. Panda’s Hospital
Dr. Panda’s Supermarket
Dr. Panda’s Daycare
Dr. Panda’s Veggie Garden
Dr. Panda’s Restaurant

Privacy Policy

As a designer of kids’ games, we understand how important privacy is in this modern, digital world. You can read our privacy policy here:

ABOUT Dr. Panda

Dr. Panda creates kids games with educational values that teach kids about life and the world around them.

If you have any further questions or are interested in how we designed the app together with kids, feel free to contact us any time. Just drop an email to or contact us via Facebook



Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon apk Videos and Images

Belajar Menulis apk Latest Version

Belajar Menulis apk
Belajar Menulis apk

Current Version : 1.0.0
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 3.9M

Belajar Menulis apk Description

Mari ajak putra putri untuk belajar lebih dini menulis angka, huruf, kata dan kalimat baik dalam bahasa indonesia atau bahasa inggris. Selamat Mencoba

Belajar Menulis apk Videos and Images

Panduan Shalat Lengkap apk Fast Download

Panduan Shalat Lengkap apk
Panduan Shalat Lengkap apk

Current Version : 1.0.3
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
Category : Education
Size : 6.4M

Panduan Shalat Lengkap apk Description

Panduan belajar Shalat lengkap, Shalat wajib, Shalat Shunah dan Kumpulan Doa. Sangat mudah dipahami dan cocok untuk semua usia. Mudah mudahan dengan anda mengInstal aplikasi Panduan Shalat Lengkap ini dapat membuat anda lebih mengerti mengenai tata cara Shalat yang baik dan benar.

Aplikasi ini dibuat dari berbagai sumber

Tags: Shalat, Panduan, Tuntunan, Sholat, Solat, panduan belajar, belajar shalat, ngaji, iqro, alquran

Panduan Shalat Lengkap apk Videos and Images

Bobby Bola Dan Batita apk Free

Bobby Bola Dan Batita apk
Bobby Bola Dan Batita apk

Current Version : 1.2
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 86M

Bobby Bola Dan Batita apk Description

Silahkan unduh dan coba dahulu Bobby Bola Bermain Bersama Batita versi Free sebelum anda membeli yang versi Full

Untuk anak umur 2-3 tahun

Fitur :
- Berbahasa Indonesia sehingga akan mudah di pahami oleh anak-anak
- Permainan dirancang khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2-3 tahun
- Penjelasan game mudah dipahami

Semakin dini anak-anak dikenalkan dengan komputer tablet semakin dini pula anak-anak belajar mengakomodir saraf motorik tangan untuk menggerakkan layar, kepekaan saraf pendengaran, reflek saraf mata dengan dirangsang warna dan gambar yang bergerak cepat, kreatifitas dan imajinasi anak.

Pada usia 0 -2 tahun anak mendapatkan pemahamannya dari penginderaannya. Kemudian usia 2 - 7 tahun anak mulai belajar menggunakan bahasa, angka dan simbol-simbol tertentu.

Seri ini khusus dibuat untuk anak usia 2 - 3 tahun. Lebih diutamakan bagi anak-anak pra-sekolah, seri ini dapat membantu para orang tua untuk mengajarkan pelajaran dasar sebelum anak-anak memasuki tahap belajar di sekolah.

Bobby Bola Dan Batita apk Videos and Images

Media Sunnah apk Download

Media Sunnah apk
Media Sunnah apk

Current Version : 4.1
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 2.0M

Media Sunnah apk Description

Download Media Sunnah sekarang, tersedia GRATIS!
Media Sunnah sekarang tersedia untuk Android!

Media Sunnah adalah aplikasi portal mobile islami yang dikhususkan untuk Smartphone dan Tablet dengan platform Android dan iOS(iPhone, iPad dan iPod) yang memungkin Anda untuk menikmati content dari berbagai ustadz dan sumber terpercaya seperti Kumpulan Doa dan Wirid, Tanya Jawab dengan Ustad, Jadwal Kajian yang terintegerasi dengan GPS dan Google Maps, Audio Kajian, Info Muslim, Artikel ISlami dan Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan isi content yang menyimpang karena Insya Allah content dari aplikasi ini sesuai dengan Al-Quran dan Sunnah dengan pemahaman para sahabat Rosululloh Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

Media Sunnah benar-benar geratis tanpa dipungut biaya apapun!!

Features Atau Content:

* Kumpulan Doa dan Wirid

* Tanya Jawab

* Jadwal Kajian

* Google Maps and GPS integration

* Info Muslim

* Audio Kajian

* Artikel Islam
* Kumpulan Hadits dan Syarahnya
* Tafsir Al-Muyasar 

* Ruang Usaha (Coming Soon)
* Insya Allah Setiap Hari Update

Dapatkan Segera Aplikasi Media Sunnah!

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join us on Facebook

Kritik dan Saran

Media Sunnah apk Videos and Images

Color & Draw for kids HD apk Free Download

Color & Draw for kids HD apk
Color & Draw for kids HD apk

Current Version : 4.1
Requires Android : 3.0 and up
Category : Education
Size : 30M

Color & Draw for kids HD apk Description

Color & Draw is a complete artistic solution for TABLETS. It invites kids to draw, color and decorate drawings or photographs. Coloring pages have voice over invitations to get their creative juices flowing.

It has been designed and tested for ICS (Android 4.0 and above) and ICS 7, 8, and 10 inch Tablets. It has higher resolution assets.

This app supports only PORTRAIT mode which in our experience is better for kids.

It is really 3 apps in 1
1. A drawing and sketching app with white and black backgrounds
2. A coloring book app with 50 exquisite drawings of fun topics including animals, professions and landscapes (no TV cartoons, they watch enough TV as it is...) It's an Artistic Springboard where some drawings are "incomplete" so children, guided by voice over instructions, can creatively interact with the drawing.
3. A photo decorator where kids can draw over your own photos from the Gallery or directly from the Camera and draw over them or decorate them with stickers.

Digital coloring books can be entertaining, but they can instill passivity in kids. Tap and a color field automatically fills a shape. Or, paint and the app keeps your color stroke within the lines for you. This gets boring fast. Apps that only offer blank pages for 'free drawing' can be a little intimidating for the youngest children. And many so-called activity books are too ambiguous or too difficult for little children to decode on their own, leaving them asking: "Dad, what do I draw now?" and "Mom, what am I supposed to do here?"

Tipitap pushes the limits of traditional coloring apps harnessing the possibilities of the touch screen environments. Color&Draw boasts beautifully crafted, specially designed springboard drawings, voice recorded invitations for all drawing for children to add to or complete the drawings, a lovely color palette, multiple stroke and erasers, and stickers. Kids or they parents can share their creations via email or save them to the device's gallery.

The drawings are simple enough for young children to explore drawing and colors, to go beyond realism and to expand the limits of their imagination. The voice prompt invitations give kids autonomy over the app. Each illustration presents an opportunity to enhance both skills and imagination. And, of course, to have fun with art making.

* 50 cute and smart, custom illustrations by our professional art department
* Four fun strokes: pencil, crayon, wet brush and air brush.
* Fun, age-appropriate themes: animals, professions and natural settings
* Save drawings to the in-app Art Gallery, your device photo album or share them via email
* undos
* multitouch support
* Import images to draw over
* 50 custom voice over invitations
* Real finger painting. Not the classic "the-machine-fills-it-for-you" app engine! Kids develop and improve their fine motor skills and creativity.
* Limited curated color palette. Enough colors choices for a full spectrum of artistic expression yet restricted so kids are not overwhelmed by too many options.
* Multiple eraser options
* Multiple fun backgrounds to draw on.

* More coloring pages available for in app purchase
NOTE: You can lock the in apps from the settings menu. In apps have a child lock to avoid accidental purchase by young children.

Learning fun. Fun learning.

Toddler, sketch, pad, chalk, painting, paint, kid art, studio, photo decorator, drawing,

Color & Draw for kids HD apk Videos and Images

Marbel Mengaji apk New Version

Marbel Mengaji apk
Marbel Mengaji apk

Current Version : 1.3
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
Category : Education
Size : 2.2M

Marbel Mengaji apk Description

belajar huruf hijaiyah (huruf arab - mengaji)
'A' - 'Ba' - 'Ta'

Marbel adalah game Mari Belajar Sambil Bermain.
Seri game edukasi anak gratis

Marbel Mengaji apk Videos and Images

Marbel Shalat apk Download

Marbel Shalat apk
Marbel Shalat apk

Current Version : 1.0
Requires Android : 2.0 and up
Category : Education
Size : 11M

Marbel Shalat apk Description

Marbel Shalat learning games, contains interactive learning books spesific on Learning Shalat for Kids.
Step by step learning Shalat for:
- Morning Prayer (Subh / Shalat Subuh)
- Noon Prayer (Zuhr / Shalat Dzuhur)
- Afternoon Prayer (Asr / Shalat Ashar)
- Evening Prayer (Maghrib / Shalat Maghrib)
- Night Prayer (Isha / Shalat Isya')

Contains description for:
- Arabic Letter (Tulisan Arab)
- Latin Description (Bacaan Latin)
- Indonesian Language (Arti Bahasa Indonesia)
- English Language (Arti Bahasa Inggris)

Voice and Audio for prayer in every movement

Sangat menarik untuk belajar anak-anak, belajar agama Islam, belajar shalat di usia dini. Memiliki fitur-fitur menarik termasuk audio yang membantu anak belajar dengan mendengarkan. Gambar-gambar setiap gerakan dan urutan shalat.

Selamat Belajar dan Bermain!

Marbel Shalat apk Videos and Images

Belajar Tajwid apk Fast Download

Belajar Tajwid apk
Belajar Tajwid apk

Current Version : 1.1
Requires Android : 1.5 and up
Category : Education
Size : 3.1M

Belajar Tajwid apk Description

Belajar Tajwid will help you how to learn basic Tajwid (Tajweed), it's easy and simple. Providing examples and how to pronounce, simply touch the speaker icon. Once this app installed, internet connection is not required (offline). Get started learning Tajwid!

-Recommended to use 2.3.x above

#Feedback please email:

Belajar Tajwid akan membantu anda bagaimana belajar Tajwid dasar. Diberikan contoh (ayat) dan bagaimana cara mengucapkannya (sentuh ikon speaker). Setelah aplikasi ini terinstall, maka koneksi internet tidak diperlukan lagi (offline).Mari Mulai Belajar Tajwid!

Rekomendasi: Android 2.3.x ke atas

Belajar Tajwid apk Videos and Images

Hanping Chinese Camera apk Latest Version

Hanping Chinese Camera apk
Hanping Chinese Camera apk

Current Version : 1.0.1
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 2.9M

Hanping Chinese Camera apk Description

Details on how to get this paid app (living in China?):

Save time doing dictionary lookups! Simply point your camera at some Chinese text to get all the English definitions.

Within just a couple of seconds of launching this Chinese OCR app, and without even touching the screen, you can be viewing word-by-word definitions of a complete line of Chinese text. The auto-snapshot feature means you won't have to keep awkwardly trying to position your camera.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This app is designed for reading regular Chinese text (like in a book). It is NOT intended for reading things like shop signs, food labels or other images using stylized text, so please bear this in mind before purchasing.

If you encounter ANY problems (e.g. stretched live preview) please contact us at and we will do our very best to fix it. We have done lots of testing on many different devices but there may be some problematic camera drivers we have not yet come across.

If you're not satisfied, for any reason, within 30 days you get a full refund, period, no questions asked. We don't want your money if you're not amazingly happy.

Main features:

★ Designed for students learning Chinese
★ Scans live camera preview as well as still images (such as photos)
★ Works entirely offline! (INTERNET permission is only for dictionary updates etc)
★ Simplified and Traditional characters
★ Recognizes over 8000 different characters
★ Pinyin and Zhuyin (Bopomofo) pronunciation
★ Horizontal & vertical text
★ Fast - most devices perform recognition in a fraction of a second
★ Optimized for pages of regular text (such as in a book)
★ Clear, regular fonts should work well in general, but you may need to use the controls to reframe the text
★ Recognized Chinese characters are drawn over the image, allowing you to easily verify accuracy
★ Each character is colored according to its tone
★ Breaks text down into words, displaying all corresponding dictionary entries
★ Supports pan, zoom, and pinch-to-zoom
★ Resizeable image window
★ Seamlessly integrates with Hanping Chinese Dictionary (which you will need to install - it's free! - to see the dictionary entries)
★ Conforms to Android design guidelines

There are two View modes:

1. Live View

The screen shows the live camera preview and the app continuously scans it for Chinese. As words are recognized, the corresponding dictionary entries are displayed.

Live View has two sub-modes:

a) Auto: the camera is continuously refocused and a snapshot is automatically taken as soon as the characters are recognized.
b) Manual: you control when to focus and whether to use flash (if your device supports it). You also choose when to snapshot the preview image.

2. Image View

Works with still images which are either snapshots of the camera preview or existing images (e.g. photos) you already have on your Android device.

Note - if you are having problems downloading dictionary data, please read this:

Internal memory usage: 5.5MB
External/SD card usage: 34MB (or 0MB if you already have Hanping Chinese Dictionary installed, because they share the same dictionary database)

Please use the forum (see below) to report any bugs or suggestions.


Hanping Chinese Camera apk Videos and Images

Color & Draw for kids apk Fast Download

Color & Draw for kids apk
Color & Draw for kids apk

Current Version : 4.0
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 30M

Color & Draw for kids apk Description

Color & Draw is a complete artistic solution for kids. As always, NO banner ads. Google Play Editor's Choice and Featured in Google Play 2011.

It invites kids to draw and color. It has coloring pages with recorded voice invitations, custom backgrounds to draw on and more
This version now supports tablets and phones.

NEW in this version:

- 4 new coloring tools.
- the ability to draw on photos.
- new art store with more coloring pages.

Tipitap pushes the limits of traditional coloring apps harnessing the possibilities of the touch screen environments. Color & Draw boasts beautifully crafted, specially designed springboard drawings, voice recorded invitations for all drawing for children to add to or complete the drawings, a lovely color palette, multiple stroke sizes and erasers, and stickers. Kids or their parents can share their creations via email or save them to the device's gallery.

* 4 Drawing Tools: crayons, brushes, pencils and air brush.
* 50 cute and smart, custom illustrations by our professional art department
* Fun, age-appropriate themes: animals, professions and natural settings
* Save drawings to the in-app Art Gallery, your device photo album or share them via email
* 50 custom voice over invitations
* multitouch support
* zoom
* undos
* Real finger painting. Not the classic "the-machine-fills-it-for-you" app engine! Kids develop and improve their fine motor skills and creativity.
* Support for multitouch
* Limited curated color palette. Enough colors choices for a full spectrum of artistic expression yet restricted so kids are not overwhelmed by too many options.
* Multiple eraser options

It is really 3 apps in 1:

1. A drawing and sketching app with white and black backgrounds.

2. A coloring book app with 50 exquisite drawings of fun topics including animals, professions and landscapes. It's an Artistic Springboard where some drawings are "incomplete" so children, guided by voice over instructions, can creatively interact with the drawing.

3. a photo decorator.

Real finger painting!
Digital coloring books can be entertaining, but they can instill passivity in kids. Tap and fill coloring or a paint engine that keeps your strokes within the lines take all the fun and effort and can scarcely be called coloring. This gets boring fast. Apps that only offer blank pages for 'free drawing' can be a little intimidating for the youngest children. And many so-called activity books are too ambiguous or too difficult for little children to decode on their own, leaving them asking: "Dad, what do I draw now?" and "Mom, what am I supposed to do here?"

*** NOTE: You can lockout in-app from the settings menu. There is a child lock to prevent children from buying in app inadvertently****** It's now optimized for the Galaxy Note, Nexus 4, 7, 10, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy S3 and many more phones and tablets.
*** Note HD version will be retired soon. This version now works well on both tablets and phones***

Learning fun. Fun learning.

Color & Draw for kids apk Videos and Images

Dr. Panda's Daycare apk Latest Version

Dr. Panda's Daycare apk
Dr. Panda's Daycare apk

Current Version : 1.5
Requires Android : 2.0.1 and up
Category : Education
Size : 32M

Dr. Panda's Daycare apk Description

★ TOP PICK ON SMARTAPPSFORKIDS.COM! “A creative role-playing game full of cute critters and fun interactivity which is going to be used for hours and hours of creative play by your young ones”

★ WIRED “This charming preschooler game promotes role-playing and creativity for young children”

★ GIGGLEAPPS “Dr. Panda’s Daycare is a delightful role-playing app for toddlers and those in preschool”

Imagine and play in Dr. Panda’s Daycare! Dr. Panda’s Daycare is a virtual play app which stimulates creative thinking. Animal parents bring their babies to Dr. Panda’s Daycare and it is your kid’s job to take care of them! You can play with them, put them to bed or have a birthday party, this game allows for nearly endless possibilities! For kids from 2 to 6 years old.

Key Features:

- More than 1000 different interactions as well as role play elements like playing, putting animals to sleep, cooking, feeding them, making music and much more
- Educational values: Stimulation of imagination and creativity, feeling of responsibility
- Create your own music in the music room!
- Kids and Parents Friendly: Easy-to-use interface and no reading required
- Kids Safe: No third party advertisement or any in-app purchase

Check out other Dr. Panda games:

- Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon
- Dr. Panda's Restaurant
- Dr. Panda's Hospital
- Dr. Panda, Teach me!
- Dr. Panda's Veggie Garden
- Dr. Panda's Supermarket

ABOUT Dr. Panda

Dr. Panda creates kids games with educational values that teach kids about life and the world around them.

If you have any further questions or are interested in how we designed the app together with kids, feel free to contact us any time. Just drop an email to or contact us via Facebook


kids, nursery, school, toddler, play, music, for, daycare, house, games, dollhouse, app, girls, doll, children, toy,

Dr. Panda's Daycare apk Videos and Images

Dr. Panda's Supermarket apk New Version

Dr. Panda's Supermarket apk
Dr. Panda's Supermarket apk

Current Version : 1.1
Requires Android : 2.0.1 and up
Category : Education
Size : 45M

Dr. Panda's Supermarket apk Description

★ "Great app for toddlers and preschoolers which will help to practice fine motor, creative play, critical thinking skills."

★ "The app in its entirety is solid and entertaining."

If your kid has ever wanted to run their own store, here’s their chance! In Dr. Panda’s Supermarket your kid will work on their organizational and spatial skills while playing fun, store-themed minigames. Helping animals find the foods they need, weighing different vegetables, wrangling shopping carts and organizing crates of food in the back are just a few of the many activities waiting in store for your 2-6 year old (and you ;))!

Key Features:

- Over 10 store-themed minigames, from using a shopping list to organizing differently shaped boxes!
- Learn about numbers and money
- No text, and a child-friendly UI that’s easy for even the youngest kids to play and enjoy on their own
- 6 different animals and their cute children that come to shop.
- Kid-safe: No third-party advertising or in-app purchases.
- Robust parental controls
- Lots of fun secrets to discover on every screen

Check out the other Dr. Panda games:

Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon
Dr. Panda's Veggie Garden
Dr. Panda's Daycare
Dr. Panda's Restaurant
Dr. Panda's Hospital
Dr. Panda, Teach Me!

ABOUT Dr. Panda

Dr. Panda creates kids games with educational values that teach kids about life and the world around them.

If you have any further questions or are interested in how we designed the app together with kids, feel free to contact us any time. Just drop an email to or contact us via Facebook


store, kids, preschool, money, baby, shop, cute, children, game, grocery, toddler, for, fruit, vegetable,

Dr. Panda's Supermarket apk Videos and Images

Kids Animal Train - First Word apk New Version

Kids Animal Train - First Word apk
Kids Animal Train - First Word apk

Current Version : 2.06
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 24M

Kids Animal Train - First Word apk Description

66% OFF SALE -- TODAY - May 8 and 9, 2013

The best-selling toddler app, Abby Animal Train – First Words (Farm Animals, Zoo Animals, Colors and More!), arrives on Android!

The educational matching interactive train game for children by 22learn is an engaging educational preschool basic tool for toddlers teaching children recognition of the most common animals and kids learn to read their first words.

RECOMMENDED AGE CATEGORIES: Baby, Toddler, Preschooler, Kindergartener

Let your kids explore an AMAZING WORLD OF ANIMALS while improving their READING SKILLS. Children will love the ADORABLE ILLUSTRATIONS and REALISTIC ANIMALS SOUNDS! The option of included spoken animal names makes this app also ideal for toddlers just beginning to recognize animal pictures.

Abby Monkey® Animal Train Preschool – First Words (Farm animals, Zoo animals, Colors and More) is a kids train game containing images and sounds of over 60 animals including:
Dog, cat, cow, horse, pig, sheep, horse, monkey, pony, rooster, hen, parrot, duck, goose, lion, elephant, monkey, bear, whale, dolphin, mouse, snake, giraffe, zebra, frog, camel, hippo, turtle, squirrel, koala, eagle, bee, seal, goose, penguin and more.
This animal train game for preschoolers takes you on an exciting journey, which ranges from the exotic depths of the jungle and savanna to the more familiar peekaboo farm animals.

Are you curious about what you will encounter on this challenging trip? Fun assured, your ticket guarantees:

• The entirety of 11 wonderful, colorfully illustrated settings:

(1) Farm Animals
(2) Barnyard
(3) Polar Regions
(4) Savanna
(5) Desert
(6) Under the Sea animals
(7) Jungle animals
(8) Learn Colors 1
(9) Learn Colors 2
(10) Shapes Builder 1 – Coming soon!
(11) Shapes Builder 2 – Coming soon!

• More than 60 -- yes, you hear correctly! -- cute animals and their sounds
• The ultimate reading and animal recognition challenge!

And what are you bound to learn through such experience? Expect to improve in all of the following areas:

• Reading of written animal names!
• Animal recognition!
• Colors recognition!
• Shapes recognition!
• Memory skills
• Fine motor skills (in toddlers)
• Increased motivation to read and learn

The train kids learning game takes place through a game activity, during which children are asked to place the animals to the train in the order their names are written (and possibly pronounced).

There are nine progressively more difficult levels of this activity as the number of the animals to be placed gets longer and the time needed to do so shorter. Train crisis? No, no - this app is designed for toddlers. The motivational component is the constant praise for successful efforts and the possibility of the top score improvement --don't miss the train, answer correctly and get more and more points! The educational interactive game your toddlers will love.

Abby Monkey® Preschool Animal Train is your yummy preschool lunchbox full of fantastic animals and trains!

In the Settings, the game can be modified so that the tasks (the order of the animals to be placed in the train) are read aloud, and therefore the app can be also suitable for very small children, who are just learning the animal names, colors and shapes!

Tags: educational games, animals, kids games, baby games, learn English, ABC, alphabet, kids train games, toddler games, pets animals, circus, zoo animals, zoola, farm animals, peekaboo barn, preschool playground, toddler first words animals

Based on our twenty-year old experience in the development of educational games for kids, we made considerable effort to ensure that the design of this app is easy-to-use for this very special age category and that the whole app is as educational and fun as possible. We hope that your children will enjoy it the same way our little beta-testers did!

Your trusted educational apps developer

Kids Animal Train - First Word apk Videos and Images

Kids Numbers and Math apk Free

Kids Numbers and Math apk
Kids Numbers and Math apk

Current Version : 1.20
Requires Android : 2.2 and up
Category : Education
Size : 10M

Kids Numbers and Math apk Description

Wouldn't it be just wonderful if there was a simple game for preschoolers that made learning numbers and basic math skills enjoyable? There is! It's called Kids Numbers and Math.

Numbers are spoken in kid-friendly English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Russian. The paid version enables the number ranges to be set, with numbers going up to 20.

Just to make sure, you know we also have a reading curriculum, right? It consists of Kids ABC Letters Kids ABC Phonics and Kids Reading.

★ Problems when attempting to download?
This is a known issue of the Android Market. Scroll to the bottom of this description for some Google-recommended solutions that work.

★ Have Suggestions or Issues?
Email and you'll get a prompt response.

★ "I couldn't get my phone back."
The game is from Intellijoy, where we specialize in educational games with the fun built right into them.

Your child will love playing Kids Numbers and Math, and you'll be able to relax, knowing your child is learning while having great fun.

Let's do the rest of the description in a question-and-answer form.

★ What activities are included?

✔ learning numbers
✔ choose max/min number
✔ addition
✔ subtraction
✔ find a match
✔ advanced exercises

There are more advanced exercises, too, and a surprising number of children enjoy the game so much they do them, too.

If you want your child to learn math – and enjoy it – you can't find a better choice than Kids Numbers and Math.

★ What will my children learn?

Your child will learn to name, compare, add, subtract and match numbers.

★ What won't my children learn?

The game does not overload children and parents with too many audio and visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulation is therefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing during this game. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children and a winning choice for parents.

Once your child is involved and happy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she is having a great time – and learning!

If you'd like to test the game yourself before you buy it, we offer a free lite version.

★ Hey, how did you take the top four spots in the Education section?

✔ Kids love our games. Parents love to see their preschool-aged children being both educated and quietly happy. Google noticed our great reviews and then featured and promoted our apps.

✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers game doesn't teach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. We keep the games simple but magically inviting and nourishing.

✔ We strive to give children just the right balance between education and fun. So our games don't feature fun at the expense of education – or education at the expense of fun. We also know games that are too complicated don’t involve and delight kids.

We hope your children enjoy all the fun and education we've built into our game of Kids Numbers and Math – and that you'll enjoy our other kid-friendly games, too.

If you have any questions or issues, please email us. We always respond within 12 hours and sometimes within minutes.

★ Download issues? Here are some Google-recommended solutions for this known Android Market issue:

✔ Make sure your phone is logged into Google Talk. Redownload the app.
✔ Restart your phone. Make sure there is connectivity. Redownload the app.
✔ Choose "Clear Data" (in Settings/Manage Applications/Running/Market). Redownload the app.

Keywords: Kids, Educational, Child, Children, Games, Preschool, School, Kindergarten, Preschool-aged, Cognitive Skills, Numbers, Math, Count, Add, Subtract, Compare, Addition, Subtraction, Counting

Kids Numbers and Math apk Videos and Images

Dr Panda's Hospital apk Download

Dr Panda's Hospital apk
Dr Panda's Hospital apk

Current Version : 1.2
Requires Android : 2.3.3 and up
Category : Education
Size : 51M

Dr Panda's Hospital apk Description

★ USA TODAY – "The sick animals, while sad, are adorable and so appreciative of your child's doctoring. […]This is a great app to play before heading off to your next doctor's appointment."

★ Common Sense Media – "Easy, intuitive app teaches young kids medical care basics. […] Overall, this is a cute app for simple learning fun."

★ TheiMums - "I really liked that this app has your child take care of the patient from the time they enter the door to the time that they are well."

★ TheiPhoneMom - "Who knows, someday your child may even look back on this app as the inspiration for their decision to become a doctor or a veterinarian."

What kid doesn't think about being a vet or doctor? Here’s their chance to help Dr. Panda take care of animals at Dr. Panda’s Hospital. Your child will greet different animals in the waiting room, help them to their hospital beds, discover and treat their ailments - all while learning sequencing!

Dr. Panda’s Hospital is ideal for kids ages 2 – 6 that are naturally curious about basic medical procedures and anatomy.

✓ 10 fun doctor games and activities
✓ 8 different friendly animal patients
✓ Complete Hospital: Waiting room, two patient rooms and a helicopter landing pad
✓ Rewards: Complete activities to earn medical or animal stickers
✓ Touch & Discover: Fun animations and sounds

Don’t forget to sort out Dr. Panda’s medical equipment as so many different treatments needs to be done: Measure blood pressure, apply ointment, adjust broken bones, retrieve swallowed items, laugh while delivering injections, cure stomach, eyes, ears, mouth and teeth.

Clean the hospital, open a window or tap on the radio to make the animals feel comfortable and happy!

Dr. Panda is certified by the kidSAFE® Seal Program. We do NOT use any in-app purchases or third-party advertising. To learn more, go to

Check out the other Dr. Panda games:

- Dr. Panda's Beauty Salon
- Dr. Panda’s Restaurant
- Dr. Panda, Teach Me!
- Dr. Panda's Daycare
- Dr. Panda's Veggie Garden
- Dr. Panda's Supermarket

ABOUT Dr. Panda

Dr. Panda creates kids games with educational values that teach kids about life and the world around them.

If you have any further questions or are interested in how we designed the app together with kids, feel free to contact us any time. Just drop an email to or contact us via Facebook


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Dr Panda's Hospital apk Videos and Images